MERN-stack architecture.
Python and Django app architecture.
Github workflow, branch management.
HTML 5 & CSS 3
Comfortable in Linux/Windows/Mac environments using CLI.
Vanilla JavaScript, Node.js & React.js.
I’m a full-stack bootcamp grad and career changer after over a decade in business and management roles. I'm happiest when I'm working with a team on consumer-facing web applications or when I'm teaching friends and colleagues how to code.
Nothing brings me more joy than developing exciting content and helping aspiring software engineers to change their lives by getting into tech.
Step-by-step guides [By Ben] to all things Pi
This guide provides an introduction to Raspberry Pi devices, as well as instructions on configuring one for a first-time user.
A step-by-step guide for turning a Raspberry Pi into a retro video game console, using RetroPie software.
A step-by-step guide for using a Rasperry Pi as a home media center.